Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral from my physician?

In the State of Washington there is no referral required to access physical therapy. If you are unsure if you should see your doctor first, feel free to give us a call so that we can discuss and help you make the best decision.

Why don’t you take my insurance?

Reimbursement from insurance companies often forces clinicians to co-treat multiple patients at the same time while denying patients access to a number of the performance services Elite Kitsap provides. We think you deserve better!

Upon request Elite can easily prepare you a document known as a “Super Bill” which will provide you with proof of your appointments. This will allow you to submit your expenses to your insurance company for out of network physical therapy reimbursement.

Can I bill my insurance for reimbursement?

This will largely depend on your insurance company, but generally the answer is yes. Non-Medicare insurance holders can often submit self claims for the treatment received at our clinic. You will need to submit your “Super Bill” which will provide you with the needed treatment codes and proof of payment. In addition to this information you will need to print self claims forms from your insurance company’s website.

If you contact your insurance company to inquire about what you may be able to expect with regards to reimbursement be sure to indicate that you are discussing “out-of-network physical therapy expenses.”

What should I expect from my first session?

Your therapist will initially spend time listening to your medical history as well as your treatment and performance goals. You will then work through a comprehensive physical assessment addressing the areas of concern. After the assessment you will work together with your therapist to come up with a game plan for your recovery.

What should I wear?

Please wear clothing that you are comfortable working out in to allow for movement and possible manual therapy. If you are being seen to address a lower body impairment it is beneficial to bring shorts.

Where do I park?

When entering the business park on NE Minder take the first right and drive to the end of the road to the Gamble Bay Fitness Co-op. There will be a large sign indicating your arrival and ample parking in front of the Gym. If you are having difficulty finding our location simply use your preferred GPS application and mark your destination as “Gamble Bay Fitness Co-op.”

Can I use my Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA)?


Do you take Medicare?

We have taken the necessary steps to help our local athletes over the age of 65 and are officially an in-network provider with Medicare part B in the State of Washington.

This comes along with a few additional steps for our athletes with Medicare coverage that our cash pay clients do not need to worry about.

What we need from our Medicare Part B clients,

-A referral for Physical Therapy from your treating physician prior to service

-Medicare Part B member/subscriber ID, full name and date of birth allowing us to verify your benefits prior to service or scheduling